You can use the Migrator option to migrate your WordPress site from one server to another server without any downtime. 

Please follow the instructions below to migrate your WordPress site.

  • Go to Tools -> Install / Clone WP -> Clone an Existing site -> Select the WordPress site -> Click Select Backup  
  • Here choose an existing backup or create a new one using the Multicall or Phoenix method. 
  • Select the destination as a NEW SITE. Here enter the FTP and DB credentials of your new server. 
  • Use the IP address as URL and Install the site using the backup file. 
  • Once the cloning process is completed, your new site will be added to your IWP admin panel.
  • Now, Go to Tools -> Install / Clone WP -> Migrator -> Select the newly cloned site.
  • Enter your site URL which you want to replace in place of IP address.
  • Hit Migrate WP
  • Once the migration is completed, you can update the DNS records to your new server.

What is Migrate with and without FTP?

When you choose to Migrate without FTP, IWP will make use of the default filesystem on your server to replace the URLs on your destination site. 

When you choose to Migrate with FTP, you need to provide the FTP credentials of your new server. 

Feel free to write to us if you encounter any difficulties or got any questions further.