You can create backups and restore them when needed.

  • Create a backup

  • Restore a backup

  • Download a backup

  • Delete a backup

Create a new backup

To create a new backup,

  1. Click on the Create New Backup button


  1. Select the sites that you want to backup


  1. Enter the details for the backup

  1. Enter a Backup name for your refernce.

  2. No of backups to keep  The maximum number of backed up zip files that will be retained in the server. For eg., if the No of backups to keep is set as 5, the sixth backup will overwrite the first one and so on.

  3. Backup options

Create zip without compression – If this option is checked, it just packages the backed up files into a zip archive without compressing.

Optimize database tables – If this option is checked, the OPTIMIZE TABLE MySQL function will be run on all tables.

  1. Backup type
     Files & DB – Both the files and DB will be included in the backup
     DB – Backs up just the DB alone.
     Files – Backups up just the Files alone.

  2. Exclude files and folders – Enter the names of files or folders that you want to exclude from  the backup.

  3. Exclude files of these extensions – Enter the file extensions that you want to exclude from the backup.

  4. Select the file size on the drop down to exclude the files larger than the selected value.

  5. Include folders – You can include folders other than the default wp-admin, wp-content & wp-includes.

  6. Select the backup mechanism. To know more Click here

  7. Fail-safe options – If you have a server where resources are limited and backups fail, you can use these options and choose the combination that works best for you.

  1. Hit the Backup Now button

Backups list

The backups will be displayed site-wise. To view the backups for a particular site, expand the site by clicking on the row displaying the site name. The following details are shown for each backup


  1. Backup name

  2. Backup repository – Shows where the backups are stored. Server by default.

  3. Backup type – Shows if the backup contains both the files and DB or just the DB alone.

  4. Backup size – The size of the backup file in MB.

  5. Backup time – The time when the backup was created.

Restore a backup

To restore a backup,


  1. Expand the site that you want to restore

  2. Click on Restore for the backup you want to restore.

Delete a backup

To delete a backup,


  1. Select the backup you want to delete.

  2. Click on the Delete icon

  3. Click on Yes to confirm delete; No to cancel Delete