Note: You need to create a separate Client ID for your Google API account. You can use the same Client ID for Google Analytics, Google Webmaster and Google Page Speed.

Creating the Google Drive API
Connecting your google drive account

To use Google Drive as a backup repository, you have to connect your InfiniteWP admin panel with your Google Drive

Step 1: Go to your Google Developers Console

Step 2: Click the [ Create Project ] button.

Note: If you have created a project before for InfiniteWP, make sure you select that project and skip step 3.

Step 3: Enter a project name e.g. InfiniteWP, click on the [ Create ] button.

Step 4: Select the created project.

Step 5: Click the APIs menu found under the [ APIs & auth ] on the left of your screen. You should then click the the [ Drive API ] link found under the Google Apps APIs menu.

Step 6: Click the [ Enable API ] button.

Step 7: In this step, you should first click the [ Credentials ] link found under the APIs & auth menu. After this, click the [ Add credentials ] button and then select the 0Auth 2.0 client ID from the dropdown list.

Step 8: Now select the [ Web application ] option and enter a Name for your new Client ID. (You can enter any name of your choice).

Step 9: Then open your InfiniteWP panel, go to Select Repository section and click on [ Google Drive ] tab. After this, copy the [ Redirect URL ].

Step 10: Open your Google Developers console.

Paste just the Domain Name in the field under [ Authorized JavaScript origins ] and then paste the entire url under the [ Authorized redirect URIs ]. Then click the [ Create ] button below.

Step 11: Now copy and paste your [ client ID ] and your [ client secret ] into the respective fields in the panel.

Step 12: After pasting these details, click the [ Save Changes ] button.

After connecting the Google Drive API, you have to connect your Google Drive account.

Step 1: Click the [ Connect your Google Drive account ] button.

Step 2: Click [ Allow ] button.

Step 3: Get back to the IWP panel and click on the [ Yes, I have connected my account ] button.